mercredi 26 mai 2010

DERNIER CHIFFRE - 100.000 étudiants

Le Soir - 1E - MONDE, mercredi, 26 mai 2010, p. 16

A l'issue de leur deuxième « Dialogue stratégique » bisannuel, Pékin et Washington ont lancé mardi une initiative visant à permettre à 100.000 jeunes Américains d'étudier en Chine dans les quatre années à venir.

PHOTO - A vendor offers postcards for sale to tourists visiting central Beijing's ancient Drum (rear) and Bell Towers on May 26, 2010. According to organizers of The Global Travel and Tourism Summit, currently being held in the Chinese capital, although GDP for global travel and tourism dropped 5 percent in 2009 the future looks bright, estimating as many as hundreds of Chinese tourists venturing overseas in the next decade and at least 100 million foreigners travelling to China.

© 2010 © Rossel & Cie S.A. - LE SOIR Bruxelles, 2010

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