mardi 1 juin 2010

IMAGES - Déesse de la démocratie de Tiananmen

Le 30 mai 1989, une statue de la déesse de la démocratie qui rappelle la Statue de la Liberté de New York, est érigée sur la place Tiananmen par les étudiants de l'académie des Beaux Arts.

This file photo taken on June 2, 1989 shows hundreds of thousands of Chinese gathering around a 10-metre replica of the Statue of Liberty (C), called the Goddess of Democracy, in Tiananmen Square demanding democracy despite martial law in Beijing. Hundreds, possibly thousands, of protesters were killed by China's military on June 3 and 4, 1989, as communist leaders ordered an end to six weeks of unprecedented democracy protests in the heart of the Chinese capital. Dissidents and human rights advocates around the world will mark on June 4, 2009 the twentieth anniversary of China's bloody crackdown on the pro-democracy protests.

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